Back from prague and can't really describe it. It was totally utterly awesome! cantik sangat2. I was fascinated with the city and really jealous with student who live there! How on earth they can study there?? I just can't believe it was really...really awesome..phenomenal! I bet that england was not that beautiful. Prague was known as a crystal city and I agreed with that. Every single street full of shops selling crystal stuff. People said that crystal in prague quite cheap but for me it wasnt differ back then in malaysia. maybe la murah skit kot! naah I dont know, I wasnt a crystal collector. In prague, they use koruna as a currency. For 1 pound, it will be something like 25 koruna so dont get scared when you see unbranded t-shirt hundreds of koruna!
When we mentioned about prague, my first thought would be communist. Yes, before this, czech republic was under communist colonies. But now, they are free. However, they still afraid of that. biasa la tuh.... First day, we went to prague castle and visited tempat2 sejarah at the surrounded area. Not bad la....suma cantik but as a europe country, cathedral tu ade gak la...perkara wajib tuh, x leh tinggal nyer. We reached at the information centre to buy tickets. Then my friend asked 200++ koruna from me and I was so shocked coz it cost me 200++ to go in the old cathedral. Then again I realized that Im at prague....ahahaha hundreds of koruna just cost me a few pound. We went to the castle, cathedral, old prison and ape ntah....x ingt dah namenyer. But just one word from me, fantastic.
Then, we sempat amik2 and pose dgn askar2 czech yg agak2 kacak! fuh!! best2. During that, I remembered my friend's advice. Kalo jumpa org hensem jgn lak nak pegang2 or touch.....ahahaha..due to swine flue virus nih, he kept on telling me dont do that. Just one thing in my head, sejak bila plak aku jumpa org hensem aku touch...ahahhaha anyway thanks dude for worrying about me! really appreciate it ;)) Hana guided our ways. She has been there last year so she knew the right path. We're fully depended on her. We jalan2 sampai rase nak tercabut kaki. But dont really care about that coz we're too excited to explore prague. Later then, lapar gler. Went to one beriani restaurant and it was superb. kenyang gler. Terus jalan lagi. Petang tuh, we went to kayuh2 boat! Hana kayuh with nora and the rest with me. At fiirst, I thought that didi want to sit at the back so I just took the driver sit with fardia. Then, didi asked me that she wanted to kayuh2....I was so happy coz im so malas nak kayuh2 nih! ape lagi....duduk belakang I just snapped photos of us. so lucky duduk je x wat ape....hehehe...forgot to mention that im mabuk sungai, tasik, laut....kolam x pun. hehehe dah la lepas makan rase cam nak throw up je masuk tuh! tapi dok blakang wowww bahagia! hehe
Malam tu jugak, we traveled to vienna(austria) by bus. It was 5 hours journey. Nothing to see during night so we're just tdo. We checked in straight away after we arrived at vienna. By 11 o'clock, we already headed to vienna city. We then tried to find KFC. Kat vienna, KFC apelagi....jumpa je KFC, suma senyap....makan dgn gelojohnyer! wahhhh....best2.
My belly was full. gler penuh susah nak gerak...hehehe...Lepas tuh, jalan lagi. This time, we went to Schönbrunn Palace, a.k.a summer palace. Palace ni hanya digunakan ketika summer . If winter diorg akan g duk Hofburg Imperial Palace. Dalam palace nih, x leh amik gambr. It really made us upset coz we already thought that it will be great if we can snap a photo in there. We paid almost 20 euro to join the palace tour. I was so fascinated with the palace interior design. Cantik gler waaa ckp luuu.....and that day, we learnt something about austria history not really austria history kot....more to diorg nyer raja2. These two palace were totally phenomenal. cantik sangat2 and I can't imagine how much they spend to build these two magnificent palace. We spent almost a day to complete our tour but again it really worth it. Dinner that night, makan KFC lagi...hehehe
Next day a.k.a last day at vienna, we went to Hofburg Imperial Palace. Dalam palace ni ade tunjuk macam mane diorg latih askar berkuda bila winter. I didnt have chance to go in coz we didnt really have time and I wouldnt willing to spend 20 euro again to visit palace...x cukup duit wehhh...jadi la dah g semalam....but deep in my heart I really want to. x pe la...My mission x complete lagi mase tuh. My mission if Im visiting any country I will look for snow globe @ water ball @ whatever... Tempat last ktorg visit, funfair. This funfair quite differ with other funfair coz kat sini ade the oldest ferris wheel. Who ever created it at that time was really brilliant and creative. Kat funfair tu la, I bought Vienna snowglobe. Know how much it cost me?? Holy cow!! 16 euro for nothing. gler cekik darah....tapi nak wat camne, snowglobe collector like me will spend any amount as long as puas hati (even though I already knew that im wasting my money). At last, PUAS HATI. Petang tu jugak ktorg balik prague.
At Prague, we went to old and new town to find souvenirs to family and friends. I bought t-shirt, snowglobe(of course), gelang2 for sis and mum, and honey cake. I just want to laugh when I remember how we're bargaining items. Macam itik cakap dgn ayam coz they didnt understand english and we didnt understand diorg nyer language. siap tanya ktorg balik alas meja dlm english ape....hehehe...lawak tol! x kisah la janji ktorg dah dpt ape yg nak! Setelah jalan2 almost 2 weeks, we already exhausted. This trip was fun and I really enjoyed it. Im now really looking forward to go to Milan then balik msia.
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