kind of lega bila exam habis. Thank God!
Straight away after I finished my exam, went home and helped k.hana buat donut. It was fun and awesome. I never thought that making donut just a piece of cake...kacang la jugak. Hasil nya, phenomenal!
Next day, woke up quite early in the morning, then walked to NEXT. I got heels for mama there. Luckily not so high..I really love it. Made with straws(I guess) and beige in colour. On the way home, Pie called me and asked whether I want to join him go to Kak Aini's house. Me and K.hana just agreed coz we dont have things to do and another thing just want to see kak aini since we didnt see her such a long time...she's busy with her work and us, busy with our exams. When we arrived at her place, me and k.hana was so surprised. Kak Aini want to move out from current house. She just called everyone and asked us to give her hand. In the first place, I didnt aspect that she wants to move out. I thought that Pie just want to visit her. Right after that, we helped her move things to her new house. To be honest, I just sat there and watched abang2 move things out....hehehe...didnt do anything...just hang around and chit chat.
In the afternoon, they already tired. Me then, tetiba je....angin x de ribut pun x de, "Pie, jom g crabbing nak ak??" dgn muka penuh berharap. Everyone stared at me. Pie then, "OK, jom la...nak pegi pukul bape?" I was like yeayyyyyy.....suka nyer dpt g crabbing. lame x buat..Last year went crabbing with kak shikin and abg mior. It was fun and I really enjoyed it. This year was so blessed. We got a bucket of crabs. Seriouly banyak. mmg best.
Hari Jumaat lak, went to llandudno. Its a shopping day. Bangun pagi and I was into shopping that day. Tapi....x beli ape sgt...llandudno best cantik je shopping ok laaa.....chester best lagi!
sabtu, went out lagi. party2 with mates kat bangor pier. best juge! sunny all day and panas gler cam msia!
ahad, g umah baru kak betty. OMG best gler umah dia. besar, selesa, murah plg penting dkt dgn school. jealous sgt! noon, went for crabbing again...but this time we got 1/4 of the bucket...sedih gak la
isnin, kept all my stuffs at our new house. sooo penat.
Tomorrow, will go fishing with abg ali. Musim Mackerel now!!
ReplyDeletestill remember me???
hurm..seronok nye kamu....!
jaga diri ya!
Hye miza
ReplyDeleteingt2....memula tu tertanya gak sape la
Gua nak ajak lu mkn kenduri kt blog gua.Ada ulam ulam kampung
ReplyDeleteFollow terus pun xpa lagi bagus.
Blog gua dah tak seimbang.Gua tgk budak2 ramai dah berat ke belah punk.